n e v e r


He will never change –

He’ll destroy everything that ever loved him in his wake

for his own gain, advantage, and power

He will lie to make himself out to be the victim or the hero but never the villain,

He’ll claim he’s changed and make you feel special, one-of-a-kind

But, I promise you, love –

That everything you’re experiencing now

All of his ex-lovers had experienced

He will eventually get to a point where he can no longer hold this grandiose facade anymore

and show his true colours:

A miserable, self-loathing, narcissistic/sociopathic empty soul feeding off of your light.

He will use and abuse everyone around him,

Skewing truths and shifting blame,

Jumping from one relationship straight into another,

The promise of marriage, a love like never before, a passionate possessiveness

With every single girl he’s preyed on

And in the end, all of them leaving him for the same reason:

He will never change.


Run while you can before it’s too late.